NNN History

In 2009 in Accra, Ghana, at a NGDO coordination group for onchocerciasis control, the foundations of the NNN were laid by members of the onchocerciasis, LF and trachoma coalitions. Members of the STH and schistosomiasis coalitions joined shortly after, leprosy coalition members in 2013, and since then a wide range of other NTD NGOs, representing NTDs from Guinea worm to Buruli ulcer, podoconiosis, rabies and dengue.
NNN has now evolved from a disease-centred organisation to one that addresses NTDs via cross-cutting groups to forge partnerships across multiple sectors to ensure equity and inclusion. These groups complement the disease-specific communities within the NNN and ensure a comprehensive approach as set out under the BEST Framework.
The BEST framework sets out the NTD community’s commitment to forging new partnerships and working across sectors to ensure equity and inclusion. It complements existing frameworks such as the WHO NTD Roadmap and the WASH and NTDs strategy, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Community Based Rehabilitation, WHO ICF, and other initiatives to achieve Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.
NNN Past Chairs
2020 – 2021: Kisito Ogoussan (FHI 360)
2019 – 2020: Yaobi Zhang (Helen Keller International)
2018 – 2019: Gail Davey (Footwork: the International Podoconiosis Initiative; Brighton & Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex)
2017 – 2018: Tanya Wood (International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations)
2016 – 2017: Wendy Harrison (SCI Foundation)
2015 – 2016: Lisa Rotondo (RTI International)
2013 – 2015: Kim Koporc (Children Without Worms)
2011 – 2013: Simon Bush (Sightsavers)
2009 – 2011: Adrian Hopkins (Mectizan Donation Programme)