NNN Structure

NNN Executive Committee
NNN is governed by the NNN Executive Committee. The Executive Committee oversees the management of the network and ensures it is meeting its objectives in line with its terms of reference. See here the current ExCo members and the selection process.
Cross-Cutting Groups
The cross-cutting groups focus on issues of common concern to the NTD community at large. They have an action-orientated approach and work together to identify challenges, develop solutions, and advocate/socialise them widely. Read more about them here.
Disease-Specific Groups
The disease-specific groups are established independently of the NNN. The NNN provides a forum for these groups to come together to identify areas of common concern and opportunities for integration and collaboration. Groups representing the following diseases are already actively participating in the NNN: Leprosy, Lymphatic Filariasis, Onchocerciasis, Schistosomiasis, Soil-Transmitted Helminths, and Trachoma. New disease-specific groups can join the NNN with the agreement of the Executive Committee. Each disease-specific group has representation on the Executive Committee which is decided by the respective group.
Standing Task Teams
There are two standing task teams – Influencing and Communications. The two task teams work in close collaboration but have different focuses with Influencing Task Team on NNN advocacy and external relations and Communications Task Teams on NNN communication strategies and tools. The membership, operations and representation on the Executive Committee is guided by a terms of reference agreed by the Executive Committee.
Conference Committee
This group initiates, plans, conducts and evaluates the annual conference and other opportunities for members and active observers to exchange and engage. The membership, operations and representation on Executive Committee is guided by a Terms of Reference agreed by the Executive Committee.
Task Groups
Task Groups work on specific time-limited tasks which are not primarily addressed by any other group. Task groups are identified by the Executive Committee and operate in accordance with a Terms of Reference agreed by the Executive Committee.