Lions Clubs International Foundation

The mission of the Lions Clubs International Foundation is to support the efforts of Lions clubs worldwide in serving their local communities and the world community as they carry out essential humanitarian service projects.
We Give Sight. By equipping hospitals and clinics; training doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers; distributing medicine and raising awareness of eye disease, Lions work toward their mission of providing vision for all.
We Support Youth. We help young people mature into solid citizens by constructing schools and youth centers, purchasing computers and health equipment, and supporting vocational training centers as well as Lions Quest.
We Provide Disaster Relief. We are helping communities following natural disasters by providing for immediate needs such as food, water, clothing and medical supplies and aiding in long-term reconstruction.
We Combat Disability. We are empowering the disabled to lead more independent, productive and fulfilling lives.
We Serve. Lions continue to serve people in greatest need, both in their local and global communities.
Where we work
Through our vast grassroots connection with Lions clubs volunteers, we deliver humanitarian services in more than 200 countries across the globe.
Through the SightFirst Program, and a number of other sight initiatives, the Lions Clubs International Foundation prevents blindness and restores sight.
The SightFirst mission is to build eye care systems in underserved communities to fight blindness and vision loss and assist blind and visually impaired persons. Since the program began in 1990, SightFirst has helped save the sight of more than 30 million people worldwide. On average, US$6 in donations has resulted in a person with vision restored or saved from blindness. Through two fundraising campaigns, Lions are investing US$415 million in the SightFirst Program. Lions develop and manage SightFirst projects in partnership with local health authorities, eye care professionals and other non-governmental organizations. Projects help to build the capacities of eye care systems so that they can provide high-quality, sustainable services.
River Blindness/Trachoma Control
SightFirst has supported more than 147 million treatments of river blindness in Africa and Latin America since it forged a partnership with The Carter Center in 1999. The treatments for river blindness have transformed individual lives and communities in 15 countries in Africa and Latin America. In fact, in Latin America, experts foresee eradicating river blindness by 2012. The grant to The Carter Center also targets trachoma, the world's leading cause of preventable blindness. SightFirst is helping to control trachoma with more than 57 million Zithromax ® treatments, training surgeons, building latrines and providing surgeries.
We are compassionate and caring, enriching lives in communities all over the world.