National School of Tropical Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine's National School of Tropical Medicine is the only school in North America solely focused on tropical medicine. Our National School of Tropical Medicine is devoted to the neglected diseases that disproportionately afflict "the bottom billion," the world's poorest people who live below the World Bank poverty level.
It was launched in 2011 and is intended to provide a North American alternative to some of the excellent tropical medicine schools and institutes in the UK (e.g., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) or some of the European institutes of tropical diseases located in Amsterdam (Holland), Antwerp (Belgium), Barcelona (Spain), Basel (Switzerland), and Hamburg (Germany). We run a tropical medicine clinic to treat patients with tropical infections that are widespread and endemic in Texas. We also house one of the only tropical disease vaccine product development partnerships.
In addition, we are addressing neglected infections of poverty in the United States through establishing a unique tropical disease clinic in collaboration with the Harris Health System and preventing these infections as they emerge along the Gulf Coast and South Texas. Among our recent discoveries is the finding of dengue fever transmission in Houston, Chagas disease transmission in East and South Texas, and a new clinical syndrome caused by West Nile virus (WNV) infection. We have also created at the Baylor Clinic mechanisms and clinics to help travelers to and from tropical disease-endemic countries.