Workshop Submissions
Submissions for the 2024 conference are now CLOSED.
90 Minute Workshop sessions: There are 12 workshop sessions each lasting 90 minutes, organised in three parallel sessions over the course of the three-day conference.
Rapid Fire presentations: The Rapid-Fire presentation will consist of a 9 - 12 minute presentation in either PPT or video format followed by a Q&A session.
Poster presentations: We are accepting a limited number of In Person Poster presentations, to take place on one day of the conference, that cater to the larger NNN Theme and subthemes from early career professionals and full-time students registered on undergraduate programmes in LMICs.
Storytelling Films: This year, we are also accepting a limited number of short 7-10 minute films / videos that focus on impact storytelling, experiences of persons affected by NTDs and community voices from NTD endemic regions.
About the Conference Theme
The theme for the NNN Annual Conference 2024 is "Collaboration for Change: Fostering Global Equity and Strengthening Community Engagement". The theme reflects NNN's commitment to foster global equity, emphasise cross-sectoral collaborations, and highlight regional contexts and a broader spectrum of NTDs. This year we also aim to enhance discussions on Global Equity with greater focus towards regional collaborations and open discussions on bettering community engagement. It stands on the pillars of the WHO NTD Roadmap and also forms the basis of our sub-themes:
About the Conference Programme
The conference agenda will feature a diverse range of workshops and presentations. Conference delegates can expect to participate in 12 workshops, each lasting 90 minutes, with three parallel sessions from which to choose. Additionally, there will be two rapid-fire sessions, a poster and storytelling film session. These sessions will be spread out over the course of the three-day conference. There will also be dedicated sessions set aside for NNN's disease-specific and cross-cutting group meetings. Finally, the NNN will also hold events to foster regional NNN networks, and bolster youth networks against NTDs.
The 2024 conference will provide in-person delegates opportunities to reconnect with colleagues, learn about programme innovations and adaptations, and be inspired by speakers representing a diversity of experiences and perspectives. Before submitting your proposal, please take a moment to carefully review our Submission Guidance which includes an overview of the submission types, sub-themes, review & selection criteria, key dates and also step by step guidance along with all of the key questions for submitting via the portal.
The portal will open for proposals from 27th March until the submission deadline on Sunday 28th April 2024 at 23:00 ET.
Agenda / Side Meetings FAQ
A limited number of 1-hour slots are available outside the main conference programme which can be used by sponsors, partners, or interested organizations for booking their side meetings. Please be advised that these rooms will come with a cost for audiovisuals and refreshments, if and when required. If you are interested in hosting a side meeting, kindly contact admin [at] nnnevents [dot] com to submit your request.
Please send a request for a side event / meeting room to us admin [at] nnnevents [dot] com. We will then share a form for you to complete with the dates, requirements, etc.