Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité

The OPC (Organisation pour la Prévention de la Cécité - Organisation for the Prevention of Blindness) is an international NGO with specific expertise in ocular public health. It fights to preserve the sight of as many people as possible in the most deprived populations in French-speaking developing countries.
OPC's activities include prevention and treatment of ocular morbidity. OPC provides technical and financial support to many Francophone countries around the world, particularly in African, including combating onchocerciasis and trachoma and providing cataract surgery and primary care.
Training is at the heart of its actions: this involves sharing knowledge, expertise and medical technologies, adapted to local conditions, in order to achieve an autonomous operation of the structures that are set up. The OPC is in an official working relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO) and an active member of the global initiative Vision 2020 – The Right to Sight.