Communications Working Group

The goals of development communication are expanding beyond institutional visibility. Communications today is central to achieving core organisational and policy objectives. As the scope of communication expands, so do its goals. Today, development communicators need to aim for deeper knowledge among their audiences, whether it is to influence and change attitude, to promote action, or to raise public awareness. As the sector shifts, communicators need to shift their focus from simply institutional or brand visibility towards influencing priorities at a policy level, advocating for ethical representation of people with lived experiences, and work towards improvement of a community using information and technology and enhance the community's ability to maintain the created ideal state without compromising its environment and resources. 

The NNN Communications Working Group was fully realised as a Working Group in 2023. Prior to this, it existed as a Task Team working primarily to handle the communications portfolio and visibility of the NNN and the annual NNN Conference. Recognizing the changing landscape of communications, the task team was converted into a Working Group through the 2023 NNN Conference. 

The key functions of the working group are:

  • To identify cross-cutting issues and interventions relevant across NTDs and develop strategies, tools, and technical and programmatic resources and tools for capacity development of NTD Communications. 
  • To identify opportunities for information sharing and cross-learning between NTD actors and represent the NNN in communication forums as required.